Edition of the
Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre of BAS
bishop Constantine of Preslav (9th–10th C.)
Poslanie o prazdnitse pashы / Homily for Passover Celebration – Constantine of Preslav’s Translation
Information about the Life of Constantine of Preslav in the Context of His Possible Authorship of so Called Methodius’ Canon to Demetrius of Thessalonici
Byzantine New Testament Catenae and Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie (‘Didactic Gospel’): from Catena to Homily (Some Preliminary Remarks)
The Greek Sources of Učitel’noe Evangelie Revisited: Sermon 20
Some Features of the Language of the Vita of St. Methodius and the Problem of the Authorship
Translation Strategies in the Old Bulgarian Translation of Athanasius of Alexandria’s Orations against the Arians