Publication Guidelines
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mobile: +359 882 590 641
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Presentation of manuscripts
Рalaeobulgarica journal publishes materials in Bulgarian, English, German, French, and Russian languages. The linguistic accuracy of the texts is guaranteed by the authors, in case they are writing in a language different from their mother tongue.
We approve for publishing original research, reviews and surveys, which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The materials should include the full name of the author, their affiliation (if any), an e-mail address for correspondence and ORCID (if any). All articles should be accompanied by summaries and keywords in English.
Publication Agreement
In submitting the article to the journal Palaeobulgarica authors certify that:
– The article contains original study, that has not been published, is not submitted for publication in another editions, and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights.
– They give Palaeobulgarica a license to publish and distribute the articles.
– They will not publish the articles on the Internet without the consent of the Editorial board of Palaeobulgarica.
Palaeobulgarica does not require article processing charges.
Formatting the Manuscript
The maximum length of the articles should not exceed 30 standard pages. In case the article exceeds this length, it could be published after a special decision of the editorial board. The materials for Reviews Section should not exceed 15 standard pages. Texts should be submitted in Word format (doc, docx or rtf) with a copy in pdf. For the main text use Times New Roman; for the Old Bulgarian examples – CyrillicaOchrid10U, and for Greek text – Times New Roman. All illustrations should be provided in jpg or tiff format with no less than 300 ppi resolution.
Formatting the References
The notes to the text of the article should be footnotes, and the literature cited should be listed at the end of the article. In-text citations should be in round brackets and should consist of the author’s surname, the year of publication and the page(s) cited, e.g. (Aitzetmüller 1982: 142). The references should be given in alphabetical order according to the surnames of authors (the lists of Cyrillic and Latin names should be given separately) and should include the year of publication of the work. Works by the same author should be listed in chronological order. The full bibliographic references are formatted as follows:
1. Books
Shortened notes
(Aitzetmüller 1975)
(Matejić, Bogdanović 1989: 238–250)
Bibliography entries
Aitzetmüller 1975 A i t z e t m ü l l e r, R. Das Hexameron des Exarchen Johannes. T. 7. Graz, 1975.
Matejić, Bogdanović 1989 M a t e j i ć, M., D. B o g d a n o v i ć. Slavic Codices of the Great Lavra Monastery: A Description. Sofia, 1989 (Balkanica II. Inventaires et Catalogues, 8).
Sadnik 1967 S a d n i k, L. Des Hl. Johannes von Damaskus ῎Εκθεσις ἀκριβὴς τῆς ὀρθοδόξου πίστεως in der Übersetzung des Exarchen Johannes. Herausgegeben von Linda Sadnik (= Monumenta linguaе Slavicae dialecti veteris. T. 5). Wiesbaden, 1967.
2. Chapter or other part of an edited book
Shortened notes
(Pavlikianov 2011: 168)
(Dujčev 1968)
Bibliography entries
Dujčev 1968 D u j č e v, I. La versione paleoslava dei dialoghi dello Pseudo-Cesario. – In: Medioevo Bizantino-Slavo. T. 2. Roma, 1968, p. 191–205.
Pavlikianov 2011 P a v l i k i a n o v, K. The Mount Athos Archivial and Library Evidence. The Bulgarian Monastic Presence on the Holy Mountain during the Middle Ages Viewed through the Athonite Documentary and Literary Sources. – In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, 22–27 August 2011. 1. Plenary Papers. Sofia, 2011, p. 167–187.
3. Article in journals and series
Shortened notes
(Rothe 1960: 106)
(Славова 2005)
Bibliography entries
Rothe 1960 R o t h e, H. Unpersönliche Regentia mit dem Infinitiv im Altkirchenslavischen. – Slovo, 9–10 (1960), p. 105–128.
Славова 2005 С л а в о в а, Т. Старобългарските релативи в исторически аспект. – Palaeobulgarica, 29 (2005), № 4, с. 64–74.
It is necessary for the authors to provide a list of the cited literature, such as the titles of the publications and of the sources in Cyrillic or Greek letters to be presented in original and transliterated in Latin script.
Transliteration standards:
- Transliteration of the Cyrillic alphabet in Latin letters – in accordance with the Transliteration rules, promulgated in Darzhaven vestnik, no. 19 of March 13, 2009
- Transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet – on address
- Transliteration of the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet – on address
- Transliteration of the Greek letters in Latin letters – on address
- Transliteration of the Old Cyrillic: