About us


PALAEOBULGARICA is a specialized international journal for the complex study of the issues of Bulgarian medieval written culture since the creation of the Slavonic alphabet by St. Cyril and Methodius, until the epoch of the Bulgarian Renaissance (the 18th century), as well as of the Cyril and Methodius traditions until this day.

These issues in their various aspects (language, literature, history, art, etc.) are closely related to the cultural development of the other Slavic countries, of the neighbouring Balkan countries, as well as of the spiritual and cultural phenomena and processes throughout Europe.

The scope of the publications, presented in the journal is too broad and from various fields of the humanities: Palaeoslavistics, Cyrillo-Methodian Studies, Studies about Culture and History of Slavic people and of people from the Balkan during the Middle Ages, Byzantology, Theology, Art Studies and others.

The articles and studies, published in the publication represent a scientific contribution to the subject areas, they report unknown facts, new research methodologies are developed or new theoretical ideas are created. This is why the agenda of the journal is relevant not only to Bulgarian but also to medieval studies abroad.

This publication is of special importance for the scholars outside of Bulgaria who publish the results of their studies in the journal in Bulgarian language. The foreign scholars who publish in Palaeobulgarica represent approximately 30% of the authors. This is how Palaeobulgarica promotes the values of European and world-wide science as a comprehensive system and provides an opportunity for convergence of the views of various schools of medieval studies and of different generations. The involvement of world-renowned scholars from overseas as members of the editorial board is a guarantee for strict adherence to high criteria in the selection of published materials.

Palaeobulgarica is a specialized peer-reviewed journal. Each material is reviewed by two reviewers, who have not information about the author. For reviewers are invited leading experts from the country and abroad.

The journal is published without delay in the established periodicity of 4 issues per year. The publication of issues has never been interrupted throughout the entire publishing period (since 1977). The issues are printed in Bulgarian, English, French, German and Russian with abstracts in English. Palaeobulgarica is distributed in over 30 countries across Europe, America and Asia. More than 100 states and university libraries around the world are subscribed to the journal, among which Library of Congress; Library and e-Resources Centre of the European Commission; The British Library; Stanford University; University of Sussex; Yale University; UCLA; Harvard University Widener Library; Oxford University - Bodleian Library; New York University; University of Chicago; Charles University Prague; Vienna University Library; University of Warsaw Library; Stockholm University Library; Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin; Universitaetsbibliothek Leipzig; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek; Royal Library - Kopenhagen University Library; Erasmus University; Universitaet Zurich - Zentralbibliothek; Toronto University Library; Beijing Foreign Studies University and others.

The journal is available on the Central and Eastern European Online Library platform (CEEOL) and on its website, where the access to the full text of articles is limited to authorized users. It has been provided unlimited access to the full text of surveys and book reviews.

The journal Palaeobulgarica is published with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.