Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus):
- Heinz Miklas (Freiburg i. Br., BRD). From the Preslav Council to the Preslav Schools. Problems of Graphematics, p. 3–12. PDF
- Emilie Bláhová (Prague, Czech), Živka Ikonomova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Lexical Coincidences of the Sermons of Gregory the Dialogist and the Second Slavonic Life of Prince St. Wenceslas with the Lexis of John the Exarch, p. 13–26. PDF
- Petko Petkov (Sofia, Bulgaria). Two Slavonic Versions of Vita St. Gregorii Magni, p. 27–35. PDF
- Norman Ingham (Chicago, USA). Narrative Mode and Literary Kind in Medieval Orthodox Literatures: Theses, p. 36–47. PDF
- Sava Sivriev (Šumen, Bulgaria). Rhetorical Art in Constantine-Cyril’s Speech in Venice, p. 48–51. PDF
- Maurice LaBauve Hébert (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA). The Linguistic and Literary Reforms of Patriarch Euthymius: A Return to the Sources, p. 52–62. PDF
- Tatjana Slavova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Slavonic Mythological Compilations, p. 63–76. PDF
- Stefan Smjadovski (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Inscriptions to the Frescoes Depicting Ecumenical Councils at the Eleshnitsa Monastery (16th c.) – Sources and Problems, p. 77–83. PDF
- Rajko Sefterski (Sofia, Bulgaria). Runic Inscriptions from the Village of Chukurovo in the Region of Sofia, p. 84–99. PDF
- Peter Kucarov (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Slav Enlighteners and Bielarus, p. 100–114. PDF
Survey and book reviews:
- Dimo Cheshmedzhiev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Sto godini ot rozhdenieto na Frantishek Dvornik, p. 115–117. PDF
- Slavia Barlieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Osemdesetgodishniyat yubiley na bolandista Pol Devos, p. 118–120. PDF
- Bozhidar Raykov (Sofia, Bulgaria). Polezen spravochnik varhu balgarskata srednovekovna knizhnina, p. 121–126. PDF
Starobalgarska literatura. Eitsnklopedichen rechnik. Sast. D. Petkanova. Pod obshtata red. na D. Petkanova. Nauch. red. Iv. Dobrev i An. Miltenova. S., Petar Beron, 1992. 519 s. - Krasimira Kostova, Tatyana Ilieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Tsenen prinos v oblastta na slavyanskata eklesiologia, p. 127–134. PDF
The Legacy of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Kiev and Moscow. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Millennium of the Conversion of Rus' to Christianity. Thessaloniki 26–28 November 1988. Еdited by Anthony-Emil N. Tachiaos. Hellenic Association for Slavic Studies. Thessaloniki, 1992. 622 p. - Ekaterina Dogramadzhieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Prinosen trud v oblastta na starobalgarskia sintaksis, p. 135–135. PDF
R u m y a n a Z l a t a n o v a. Struktura na prostoto izrechenie v knizhovnia starobalgarski ezik. S., 1990. 205 s.