Изследване и издание на текста на Слово за Езоп по ръкопис 13.2.25 от XVI в. от Библиотеката на Руската академия на науките


The present article is mainly focused on the edition of the manuscript of Story about Aesop in Miscellany 13.2.25 of the 16th c. from the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg and its comparison with the so far investigated and published manuscripts:
– the manuscripts from the Miscellany 740 in the Bucharest Library and the manuscript from the Tikvesh Miscellany 677 in the National Library in Sofia both of the 16th century, published respectively in 1884 and 1893 and
– the manuscript from the Miscellany 1161 from the Church Historical and Archive Institute Sofia also of the 16th century, published in the 2021.
      The manuscript of Story about Aesop in Miscellany 13.2.25 has the features of the Tarnovo literary school and obviously was copied in an East Bulgarian literary center by an evidently highly educated copyist. Only one of all known till now manuscripts – the one from the Miscellany 740 in the Bucharest Library has East Bulgarian language features. The rest two studied manuscripts from the Tikvesh Miscellany 677 and from the Miscellany 1161 from the Church Historical and Archive Institute Sofia have West Bulgarian language features. The comparison between the four manuscripts leads to the conclusion that the manuscript tradition of the Story about Aesop gradually develops in the direction from the East Bulgarian to the West Bulgarian copies and the manuscript in Miscellany 1161 from the Church Historical and Archive Institute Sofia occupies a central position in this process.

Майя Йонова (София, България)


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