Първата песен на Мойсей (Изх. 15:1–19) в Псалтира и в небогослужебните преписи на Книга Изход


The article studies the First Song of Moses in the composition of the non-liturgical copies of the Book of Exodus compared to the text of the Song in the Psalter. The analysis of the grammatical and lexical features of the Song shows that the chronographic copies contain a different version of the Song. Grammatically it is close to the archaic psalters, and lexically it contains readings typical for the manuscripts from the Preslav literary centre. Probably this version has been created in the course of the complete translation of the Book of Exodus, made in the 10th c. in Simeon’s Bulgaria. The translator did not directly borrow the Song already translated within the Psalter, which he probably knew by heart, but edited it significantly lexically, preserving the grammatical features. Later man of letters replaced this četi-version of the Song with the more familiar version from the Psalter. The Russian non-liturgical copies of the Book of Exodus are related to the Athonite redaction of the Song. The South Slavic copies also follow the Athonite redaction, but some traces of the četi-version of the Song remain in them. Attention is drawn to the several coincident readings in the text of the Song in the Norov Psalter and in the manuscripts from the chronographic redaction. It has been suggested that possibly the readings in the Norov Psalter show some influence of the četi-version of the Song.

Веселка Желязкова (София, България)


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