Первое описание Библии и ее книг в Первом болгарском царстве


The earliest evidence of a description of the Bible is contained in Simeon’s Miscellany, translated in the First Bulgarian Empire on the initiative of Tsar Simeon. This description is based on the writings of John Damascene and Gregory of Nazianzus, who presented the canonical books in their works following an orderly structure, while testifying to the existence of different interpretations and forms in which the Bible circulated in the Christian East. The description can be found in the final part of Simeon’s Miscellany, which arranged as a series of tools for understanding the fundamental concepts of Trinitarian theology and the figurative language of the sacred scriptures, as well as for constructing the Christian chronotope.

Марчелло Гардзанити (Флоренция, Италия)


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