Рецепция антиарианской тематики Афанасия Александрийского в славянской средневековой традиции (Часть 1: Житие Антония Великого)


This article represents the first part of study that explores the way Athanasius of Alexandria’s anti-Arian motifs were appropriated in the Old Slavonic tradition. The discussion is focused on the reception of Athanasius’ Life of Antony and particular attention is paid to the analysis of one particular short version of this Vita (preserved in the manuscript Lviv, National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientific Library of Ukraine, sobranije Ossolinskich № 38, ff. 506–510, XVI–XVII vv.), where the anti-Arian motifs are appropriated in the most unique way.

Вячеслав В. Литвиненко (Прага, Чехия)