Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus):
- Ekaterina Dogramadzhieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Lexical Variation in the Title of Readings in the Early Slavic Gospel Manuscripts, p. 3–16. PDF
- Krasimira Kostova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Texts of Preslav and the Problems of Bulgarian Historical Dialectology, p. 17–22. PDF
- Tatyana Slavova (Sofia, Bulgaria). For a Solar and Lunar Old Bulgarian Calendar, p. 23–36. PDF
- Klimentina Ivanova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Unknown Service for St. Cyril in Festal Menaion from XVII Century, p. 37–40. PDF
- Slavia Barlieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Copies of Latin Sources of St. Cyril and Methodius from the Collection of Library Vallicelliana in Rome, p. 41–54. PDF
- Dimo Cheshmedzhiev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Cyril of Catania and Constantin-Cyril the Philosopher, p. 55–60. PDF
- Rayko Sefterski (Sofia, Bulgaria). Proto-Bulgarian Rock Runic Inscription from the Village of Krushevo, Demirhisar, Greece, p. 61–66. PDF
- Stamen Mihailov (Sofia, Bulgaria). New Reading and Interpretation of the Inscription on a Medieval Lead Seal, p. 67–69. PDF
- Yosif Moroz (Sofia, Bulgaria). Motif „The Virgin Mary Give Her Girdle to st. Thomas“ and His Pagan Background, p. 70–86. PDF
- Slavka Keremedchieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Vernacular Meaning of the Word “hrabar”, p. 87–90. PDF
Survey and book reviews:
- Margarita Mladenova (Sofia, Bulgaria). First Attempt at Synthesis of Studies on Old Bulgarian Syntax, p. 91–93. PDF
R a d o s l a v V e č e r k a. Altkirchenslavische (Altbulgarische) Syntax I. Die Lineare Satzorganisation. Unter Mitarbeit von Felix Keller und Eckhard Weiher. – Monumenta linguae slavicae dialecti veteris. Fontes et dissertationes. Editores Rudolf Aitzetmüller, Linda Sadnik, Eckhard Weiher. T. XXVII. Freiburg i. Br., U. W. Weiher, 1989. 141 p. - Petja Kostadinova (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Genesis of the Modern Bulgarian Language, с. 94–96. PDF
R o g e r G y l l i n. The Genesis of the Modern Bulgarian Language. – Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Slavica Upsaliensia, 30. Uppsala, 1991. 120 p. - Rumjana Pavlova (Sofia, Bulgaria). New Edition of Chudov New Testament, p. 97–98. PDF
Neues Testament des Cudov Klosters. Eine Arbeit des Bischofs Aleksij des Metropoliten von Moskau und ganz Rußland. Phototypische Ausgabe von Leontij Metropolit von Moskau 1892 mit einer Einleitung, herausgegeben von Werner Lehfeldt. Köln–Wien. Böhlau Verlag, 1989 (Bausteine zur Geschichte der Literatur bei den Slaven. Herausgegeben von H. B. Harder und H. Rothe in Verbindung mit R. Olesch. Band 28) - Margaret Dimitrova (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria), Stoyanka Babalievska (Sofia, Bulgaria). Topos and Enigma in the Culture of Orthodox Slavs, p. 99–101. PDF