Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus):
- Klimentina Ivanova, Stefka Pileva (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Anonymous Vita of Dionysius the Areopagite, p. 3–26. PDF
- Francis J. Thomson (Antwerp, Belgium). The Slavonic Translation of Symeon Mesopotamites' Sermo, quod semper mente versare debemus diem exitus de vita (CPG 4035) together with Some Comments on Symeon's Identity, p. 27–38. PDF
- Desislava Naydenova (Sofia, Bulgaria ). The Peasants' Law, the Rhodian Sea law and the Procheiron in the Text of the Efremovskaja Kormčaja, p. 39–46. PDF
- Lidija Stefova (Sofia, Bulgaria). A Copy of the Story “Theophana, the Pub-Keeper”, p. 47–72. PDF
- Elina Lakova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Inscriptions on the 15th Century Murals in St. George's Church at the Kremikovtsi Monastery, p. 73–97. PDF
Survey and book reviews:
- Veselka Zhelyazkova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Nov pogled kam slavjanskata rakopisna traditsiya na Slovata na Grigoriy Nazianzin, p. 98–102. PDF
A l e s s a n d r o M a r i y a B r u n i. Θεολόγος. Drevneslavyanskie kodeksy Slov Grigoria Nazianzina i ih vizantiyskie prototipy (= La Russia e l'Oriente Cristiano. Biblioteca. Vol. 6). M.-SPb., 2004. 255 s. - Margaret Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Tsenno izsledvane na Apostola, p. 103–108. PDF
I s k r a H r i s t o v a - S h o m o v a. Sluzhebniyat apostol v slavyanskata rakopisna traditsia. T. 1. Izsledvane na bibleyskia tekst. S., Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“, 2004. 832 s. - Aneta Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Mnogokratnite prevodi v Uzhnoto Srednovekovie – mezhdunarodna konferenciya, p. 109–114. PDF