Troparia in Old Russian Parimeyniks from the 12–14th c. (Based on „Manuscript“ Online Collection)


The article focuses on the language of Lenten troparia from five Old East Slavonic parimeyniks (Old Testament lectionaries) that are included in the online “Manuscript” collection. The author identifies lexical and grammatical discrepancies in the Slavonic sources, searches for the reasons of variations in the troparia, evaluates their semantics on the basis of correspondences to the Greek texts. The most significant results of the research are: younger manucripts use a text-shortening strategy whereas the oldest one demonstrates individual cases of text expansion that have no analogues in other Slavonic sources; grammatical variations lead to transformations of syntactic relations. At the lexical level, there are phenomena not supported by Greek, and their occurrence can be explained either by the possible presence of variations directly in the Greek sources or by the influence of widespread hymnographic clichés or the Gospel texts, which may form a troparion’s story line. Two versions of the same troparion may differ from each other, and at the same time, each of them unites different sources by some parameters. It is difficult to unambiguously classify the Slavonic sources given the revealed discrepancies in hymnographic genres since individual variations provide different configurations.

Maria O. Novak (Moscow, Russia)


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