Two Terms of Spiritual Visions in the Life of St. Anthony the Great and its Old Bulgarian Translations


The article is dedicated to the terms ὀπτασία and θεωρία and their place in the Vita Antonii Magni by St. Athanasius of Alexandria and its Old Bulgarian translations. Each term is presented as it is attested in the Classical Greek and later tradition, together with its usage in the Christian contexts of the Patristic literature. The translations of those terms are analyzed in the three know versions of the Vita. The different solutions are commented with regard to the vocabulary of the classical corpus of Old Bulgarian texts but also adducing later texts that are thought to have been produced in this epoch. By comparing the translations of each term with the lexical data of the classical corpus and later texts, an observation is made as with which other texts the three Slavonic versions of the Vita share common solutions.

Ivan P. Petrov (Plovdiv/Sofia, Bulgaria)


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