The introduction to the papers read at the session of the thematic panel The Translated Literature of the Slavic Middle Ages tackled several issues: the question of the languages from which the translations were made (Greek and Latin); the prevailing problems of translation research (tracing out of the translations’ originals, their characteristic features, their manuscript tradition, the correlation between the original and the translation, the problems of the authorship and the place of the translation, the dependence of the translation on the time of its occurrence and on its functions, the translation schools, the differences between the nature of the Slavonic medieval translations and the translations made since the beginning of the Early Modern period, the significance of translated literature in the period of the Slavic Middle Ages). Regard is also paidtoseveral underexplored problems which should be analyzed in the future: the influence of the translations on the original writing, literature and literary language of the Slavs, the possible existence of common features between the translations from Greek and Latin, the possibility of comparing the principles of Slavonic translations and non-Slavonic European translations in the Middle Ages.
Svetlina Nikolova (Sofia, Bulgaria)