On the Question of the Vocabulary in the Book of Revelation of St. John the Theologian in View of Christian Biblical Translations


This study presents the Greek New Testament vocabulary that is found only in the text of the Apocalypse, the last canonical and the only prophetic book of the New Testament. The apocalypse was written in Greek, probably at the end of the first century during the reign of Nero (68) or Domitian (81–96) on the Island of Patmos. The original Slavonic translation was made on the basis of the text with commentary by St. Andreas of Caesarea at the earliest stage of Slavonic writing and it was probably the work of St. Methodius. Nowadays there exist six versions of the Book of Revelation, spread across the Slavic lands in the Middle Ages - two with commentary and four without it.
                The study presents the Greek vocabulary typical of the Apocalypse text and the trans­lation into different Slavonic versions. The aim is to add this vocabulary to the words known from the translation of the other biblical books, which are the first texts translated into Slavonic at the earliest stage of Slavonic literature. In order to show its position in the development of the entire Christian biblical tradition, the entries are supplemented by their correspondences in the Greek Old Testament canonical text (LXX) and in the Latin translation of the Sacred Scriptures (V).

Iva Trifonova (Sofia, Bulgaria)


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