Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus):
- Veneta Savova. An Unknown Hymnographic Text for St. Alexius, Man of God, Attributed to St. Kliment of Ohrid (Preliminary notes), p. 3–12. PDF
- Andreana Kostadinova. The Service for the Assumption in Menaion № 113 in the Collection of the SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, p. 13–31. PDF
- Boriana Velčeva. Stylistic Devices in the 17th Century Damascenes and the Beginning of the Bulgarian Literary Language, p. 32–52. PDF
- Maria Mažlekova. Observations on the Possessive Case Forms in Old Bulgarian Evangelical Transcripts, p. 53–75. PDF
- Nikolai Ovčarov. A Gold-Embroidered Dress With Monograms “King of Bulgarians and Greeks” of the Bulgarian Ruler Ivan Alexander from St. Nikola Church at the Village of Stanichene Near Pirot, p. 76-83. PDF
- Diana Kosseva. Two Sets of 1616 and 1685 for the Iconostasis the St. George Church in Veliko Turnovo, p. 84-99. PDF
Survey and book reviews:
- Desislava Naydenova. Ruskiyat medievist Yaroslav Nikolaevich Shchapov na75 godini, p. 100–106. PDF
- Ekaterina Dogramadzhieva. Talkovna paleya – problemi i resheniya, p. 107–110. PDF
T a t y a n a S l a v o v a. Talkovnata paleya v konteksta na starobalgarskata knizhnina (= Universitetska biblioteka, № 418). S., 2002. 576 s. - Nelly Gancheva. Istorizmat i paleoslavistichnata problematika v dokladite na XIII Mezhdunaroden simpozium „Obdobja“, p. 111–119. PDF
Historizem v raziskovanju slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture. Mednarodni simpozij Obdobja – Metode in zvrsti, Ljubljana, 1999. (= Obdobja 18). Ljubljana, 2002. 706 s. - Margaret Dimitrova, Elisaveta Musakova. Mezhdunarodna konferentsiya “Glagolitsata i harvatskiya glagolizam” (2–6 oktomvri 2002 g., Harvatiya), p. 120–128. PDF