The Earliest Complete Manuscripts with the Slavonic Translation of Questions and Answers to Antiochus the Duke: Problems of Origin and History of the Text


This article explores the Slavonic translation of the Pseudo-Athanasian writing Questions and Answers to Antiochus the Duke in the earliest manuscripts (from the mid-14th century) that contain the complete translation of this text. The authors discuss the textual groups I and II of this writing and focus on the one represented by the only complete manuscript Lavrentievskiy sbornik from the year 1348 (Lavr.). In doing that, they introduce a newly found manuscript in this textual group from the end of the 14th century: Mt. Athos, Zograf Monastery, 206 (Zogr.). Following a brief discussion of how individual questions and answers are organized in Lavr. and Zogr., the article continues with a detailed textual analysis. In the process, the authors examine numerous differences at the lexical and word-formation levels, as well as the differences in the way these manuscripts use synonyms, and especially words that are considered today as markers of the Preslav Literary School. The article ends with observations regarding the origin of the Slavonic translation contained in Lavr. and Zogr. and their relation to the texts that transmitted Questions and Answers from the 9th to the 10th centuries.

Irina M. Gritsevskaya (Syktyvkar, Russia)
Viacheslav V. Lytvynenko (Prague, The Czech Republic)


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