Materials to the Catalogue Description of Manuscripts Excerpted for Bibliotheca Homiletica Balcano-Slavica (BHomBS). Clarifications to the Composition of Two Triodion Panegyrics (BAR152 and NBKM1049)


The article is part of a series of publications preceding the final formation of the BHomBS manual. The series is devoted to some primary sources included in BHomBS if they require a preliminary investigation. The article presents two calendar collections which need further analysis because for various reasons their bookblock integrity was damaged. The first manuscript is from the collection of the Library of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest No. 152 (BAR152), and it was neither filmed nor digitized. The primary composition, the place of the later additions and the omissions in the manuscript are identified, as well as the fact that by its genre type it is a Menaion and Triodion Panegyric from the end of the fourteenth century with additions from the fifteenth century. It is one of the early no-yus brief-composition panegyrics structured by the new Jerusalem typicon and originally included selected texts for the most important feasts of the entire triodion period - from the beginning of the preparatory Sundays to the Sunday of All Saints. Most of it has been preserved to this day. The contents of the triodion part in BAR152 is compared with the full Jerusalem typicon Athonite-Tarnovo triodion panegyrics and it was ascertained that its texts belong to the same translations. There is an interesting exception: for the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers was included a work by John of Thessalonica (CPG, III, 7922), which has not received distribution as part of the triodion panegyrics neither in Byzantium nor in Bulgaria. The study of BAR152 is followed by an annex with a new description of its contents.
The second manuscript is from the collection of the National Library “St. Cyril and Methodius”, No.1049 (NBKM1049). The codex was in very poor condition with losses and folia damaged by dampness and fire, of which only small fragments remain. Described in 1963 by Hr. Kodov, it was later restored. The purpose of the present study is to specify the contents of NBKM1049 after its restoration. The fragments containing little text are identified, the incorrectly restored folia are pointed at, and its contents are found to include 6 more works which were previously not listed in the inventory. The preserved parts of NBKM1049 are compared with the Athonite-Tarnovo triodion panegyrics structured after the Jerusalem typicon. It is established that NBKM1049 is a Triodion festal panegyric structured after the Jerusalem typicon for the period from the Wednesday of the fifth week after the Resurrection, written in the first decade of the seventeenth century.

Klimentina Ivanova (Sofia, Bulgaria)


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