About a Rare Lexeme in the Translations of Barlaam and Josaphat and Scala Paradisi of John Climacus


The article analyzes the semantical structure of the rare word лепъ (derived from the verb лепити) with its meaning, identified in the Parable for the Nightingale from the story Barlaam and Josaphat according to a 14th c. Middle-Bulgarian copy (in the Library of the Rila Monastery, Ms. No. 3/14), and in Oration to the Shepherd in the Preslavian translation of Scala Paradisi according to a 12th c. copy (in Ms. No. 198 of the Rumyantsev collection, Russian State Library, Moscow). The analysis of лепъ in the two translated works gives an opportunity for clarification of the nuances in its specific meanings: 1. bird catching gum: birdlime, prepared from mistletoe berries (in Barlaam and Josaphat); 2. medical plaster: a medicine-covered cloth stripe, put on the aching place (in Scala Paradisi). The illustrative material testifies the earlier use of лепъ of in the Middle-Bulgarian copy of Barlaam and Josaphat – from 1360-s, compared to the later Russian and Serbian copies, and gives new perspectives concerning the first Slavic translation of Scala Paradisi.

Tatyana Mostrova (Sofia, Bulgaria)


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