Animalia perdita u Knjizi o Jobu s osvrtom na hrvatskoglagoljske prijevode


Within the context of the Biblical exegesis research, and specifically the Old Testament books, especially interesting from the aspect of cultural-animalistic research is the “biblical bestiary”. Among the myriad of known and less known creatures of the Biblical animal world, a special attention draw the animals “lost” in translations, the traces of which we find in inaccurate readings and unfamiliarity with the species, that is, with the myth they come from. In this paper we will focus on the Old Testament wisdom book the Book of Job and a short textual extract from the “Job’s bestiary”. The segment refers to the “lost” animals which have for centuries caused significant difficulties in translation of these paragraphs, because they have not been known to the translators. Following the guidelines of thought about the lost animals in translation, our attention is directed towards two mythical animals, phoenix and unicorn, as well as to their (non)appearance in the Book of Job with a special reflection on the Croatian Glagolitic translation skills used in translating those paragraphs.

Antonija Zaradija Kiš (Zagreb, Hrvatska)


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