This paper features two late Eastern Church Slavonic translations from Latin of the first Song of Moses (Exod 15:1–19), as they are preserved in two different sources, directly and indirectly related to the Novgorodian period of translation literature (end of the 15th – first half of the 16th century): 1) a Latin Psalter in Cyrillic transcription from the manuscript collection of the Chudov monastery (about the end of the 15th century) and 2) the commentated Psalter by Bruno of Würzburg in the translation by Dmitry Gerasimov (around 1535). Both texts show not only similarities, due to the orientation toward the Latin source, but also interesting differences. These can be explained as the result of different translation choices by the two translators; in some cases, however, one observes a possible orientation toward the traditional text, depending on the Greek version of the Septuagint. After a short analysis of some lexically and grammatically significant textual variants, both versions are synoptically presented in an interlinear edition that includes also, for the sake of comparison, the Greek and Latin source texts as well as the Old Church Slavonic version according to the Psalterium Sinaiticum.
Vittorio S. Tomelleri (Turin, Italy)
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