Issue VIII (1984), 2

Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus): 
  • Lyubov V. Kurkina (Moscow, USSR). The significance of the data of Old Bulgarian literature for the reconstruction and etymologization of the Proto-Slavic lexical fund, p. 3–13. PDF
  • Rumyana Zlatanova (Sofia, Bulgaria). For phonological system in the Old Bulgarian language, p. 14–28. PDF
  • Imre Boba (Seattle, USA). „Abodriti qui vulgo Praedenecenti vocantur“ or „Marvani praedenecenti“?, с. 29–37. PDF
  • Pandele Oltjanu (Bucharest, Romania). To the history of the "Physiologus" in the Slavonic and Romanian literatures, p. 38–58. PDF
  • Ekaterina Dogramadzhieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). The literary norm in morphological doublets in the Old Bulgarian language, p. 59–64. PDF
  • Vasilij Putsko (Kaluga, USSR). Signs of the zodiac on the fields of Izbornik of Sviatoslav 1073, p. 65–77. PDF
  • Klaus Shtaynke (Heidelberg, Germany). Observations over the use of the Old Bulgarian participle, p. 78–85. PDF
  • Ishtvan Ferints (Szeged, Hungary). On some features of oratorical art of Joan Ekzarh Bulgarian, p. 86–91. PDF
  • Anani Stoynev (Sofia, Bulgaria). Analysis of the religious system of Bulgarian Slavs, p. 92–107. PDF
  • Yanush Shatkovski (Warsaw, Poland). About influence of the Old Bulgarian language on Polish through the Czech language, p. 108–110. PDF
  • Vasil P. Vasilev (Sofia, Bulgaria). The language of Peter Beron's primer from 19th century compared to manuscripts from the early 17th and 18th centuries, p. 111–118. PDF
Survey and book reviews: 
  • Svetlina Nikolova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Symposium on the sources for the vita and activity of Cyril and Methodius, p. 119–123. PDF
  • Dimitar Kenanov (V.Tarnovo, Bulgaria). From the artistic world of Tarnovo school, p. 124–127. PDF
    G.  D a n c h e v. Stranitsi iz istoriyata na Tarnovskata knizhovna shkola. S., NI, 1983.
  • Georgi Minchev, Krasimir Stanchev (Sofia, Bulgaria). Contribution to studying the structure of medieval work of art, p. 128–130. PDF
    A l e k s a n d e r  N a u m o w. Biblia w strukturze artystycznej utworów cerkiewnoslowiańskich. Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Rozprawy habilitacyjne nr 75, Kraków, 1983.