The Story about Aesop in Manuscript 1161 from the Collection of Church-Historical and Archival Institute (A Study and Edition)


This article aims to explore the manuscript tradition of the Story about Aesop. In the article is published for the first time the text of the Story about Aesop in the manuscript from the Miscellany 1161 from the Church-Historical and Archive Institute – CIAI Sofia of the 16th century, unstudied till now. Observations are made on the development of the manuscript tradition of the Story about Aesop comparing the previously published manuscripts from the Miscellany 740 in the Bucharest Library and the manuscript from the Tikvesh Miscellany 677 in the National Library in Sofia with the new manuscript in the Miscellany 1161 CIAI Sofia. The textual peculiarities of the three compared transcripts of Story about Aesop demonstrate one unique translation, but different antigraphs. The conclusion is about the existence of common textual tradition in which cannot be clearly distinguished the west and east Bulgarian manuscripts of the Story about Aesop.

Maya Yonova (Sofia, Bulgaria)


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