Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus):
- Eugenio Picchi (Pisa, Italia), Giusepe Camuglia (Pisa, Italia), Marija Jovčeva (Sofia, Bulgaria), Monia Camuglia (Pisa, Italia). The Programme DBT – Prospects of the Computational Processing of Medieval Texts, p. 3–21. PDF
- Nikolay Ovčarov (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Inscriptions in St. Andrew Church near Skopie and the Decline of the Mrnjavčeviči Dynasty, p. 22–38. PDF
- Konstantin Totev (Veliko Tărnovo, Bulgaria). Once Again on the Cross of Sebast Berislav of Trapesitsa, p. 39–47. PDF
- Sergej Temčin (Vilnius, Lithuania). Internal Reconstruction of the Textual History of the Banica Gospel, p. 48–62. PDF
- Wootae Shin (Seoul South Korea). The Effect of the Process of Mixing the Nasal Vowels on the Case Forms of the Nouns in the Middle Bulgarian Translation of the Chronicle of Manasses and the Trojan Parable, p. 63–73. PDF
- Lydia Stefova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Once Again on the Reflexive Pronoun Svoi/Свой in Bulgarian (On Material from the Bdin Codex of 1360), p. 74–84. PDF
- Natalia Samojlova (Moskow, Russia). The Preslav Vocabulary in the Gospel Quotations in Codex Suprasliensis, p. 85–90. PDF
- Angel Nikolov (Sofia, Bulgaria). Observations on the Cycle of Old Bulgarian Historical-Apocalyptic Writings of 10th–11th c., p. 91–107. PDF
Survey and book reviews:
- Stamen Mihaylov (Sofia, Bulgaria). Imali li sa prabalgarite runicheska pismenost?, p. 108–111. PDF
- Anisava Miltenova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Savremenno izsledvane na gadatelnite tekstove v yuzhnoslavyanskite srednovekovni rakopisi, p. 112–114. PDF
A d e l i n a A n g u s h e v a - T i h a n o v a. Gadatelnite knigi v starobalgarskata literatura. Izdatelstvo VREME. S., 1996, 183 s. - Vassil Gjuzelev (Sofia, Bulgaria). Prinos kam izsledvaneto na srednovekovnata balgarska urbanistika, p. 115–116. PDF
R o s i t s a P a n o v a. Stolichniyat grad v kulturata na srednovekovna Bulgaria. Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“. S., 1995, 207 s. - Margarita Mladenova (Sofia, Bulgaria). „Granitsi i kultura“, p. 117–118. PDF