Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus):
- Ekaterina Dogramadžieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Naming of the Sundays in the Early Slavonic Gospel Calendars, p. 3–13. PDF
- Cynthia Vakareliyska, Kevork Horissian, Heather Pankl (Oregon, USA). A Computer Collation of Medieval Slavic Menologies, p. 14–25. PDF
- Lora Taseva, Maria Yovčeva (Sofia, Bulgaria). The Early Slavonic Textual Tradition of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, p. 26–39. PDF
- Slavia Barlieva (Sofia, Bulgaria). A Sermon about Ss Cyril and Methodius (To the Point of the Latin Cyrillo-Methodiana in Poland), p. 40–49. PDF
- Anisava Miltenova, Andrej Bojadžiev, Stanimir Velev (Sofia, Bulgaria). Repertorium of Medieval Slavic Literature: Computer and Philological Standards, p. 50–69. PDF
- Ana Stoykova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Observations on the Composition of the Late Medieval Non-Liturgical Miscellanies (Some Prospects of Their Computer Analysis), p. 70–80. PDF
- Adelina Anguševa, Margaret Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria). Towards Computer Precessing of Slavic Late Medieval and Pre-Modern Miscellanies, p. 81–91. PDF
- Monia Camuglia, Eugenio Picchi (Pisa, Italy). Computational Slavistics: “Work in Progress!”, p. 92–96. PDF
- Zdenka Ribarova (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia), Kiril Ribarov (Prague, Czech Republic). Living Conservation of the Lexis of Old Church Slavonic, p. 97–103. PDF
- Ralph Cleminson (Budapest, Hungary). Computer Applications and the Study of Early Cyrillic Printed Books, p. 104–115. PDF
Survey and book reviews:
- Lora Taseva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Starobalgaristikata kato tochna nauka (Ekaterina Dogramadzhieva na 65 godini), p. 116–120. PDF
- Tsvetana Raleva (Sofia, Bulgaria). Rumyana Pavlova na 65 godini, p. 121–125. PDF
- Elena Mihaylova-Kreychova (Barno, Chehia). Profesor Radoslav Vecherka na 70 godini, p. 126–127. PDF
- Krasimir Stanchev (Rim, Italia). Nyakoi utochnenia otnosno istoriografskite sachinenia na Petar Bogdan Bakshich, p. 128–132. PDF