Issue XXVI (2002), 1

Articles (Access to the articles in pdf format is at this stage limited only to authorized users – Web of Science and Scopus): 
  • Klimentina Ivanova. The Sermon of St. Basil the Great and of Father Ephraim on the Holy Liturgy, that it is Fitting to Stand in Church with Fear and Trepidation, p. 3–16. PDF
  • Maria Jovčeva. The Old Bulgarian Service for St. Apollinarius of Ravenna by Clement of Ohrid, p. 17–32. PDF
  • Monia Camuglia. The Abbreviations in the Rila Copy of the Povest of Varlaam and Joasaf, p. 33–72. PDF
  • Borjana Velčeva, Kyril Kostov. The Slavonic Translation of the Book of Esther, p. 73–92. PDF
  • Maria Măžlekova. The Aorist Forms of Thematic Verbs With an Infinitive Stem Ending in a Consonant in the Vatican Palimpsest, p. 93–112. PDF
Survey and book reviews: 
  • Boryana Velcheva. Kiril Kostov na 80 godini, p. 113–116. PDF
  • Lora Taseva. Ot grandioznia knizhoven proekt na XVI-to stoletie kam vekovnata istoria na slavyanskata pravoslavna literatura, p. 117–121. PDF
    Abhandlungen zu den Grossen Lesemenäen des Metropoliten Makarij. Kodikologische, miszellanologische und textologische Untersuchungen. Band I. Hrsg. Chr. Voss, H. Warkentin und E. Weiher. Freiburg i. Br., 2000 (= Monumenta Linguae slavicae dialecti veteris. Fontes et dissertationes. T. 44).
  • Lidia Denkova. Obobshtavashto izsledvane za spetsifikata na hristiyanskata kultura v Ukrayna, p. 122–124. PDF
    T. G. G o r b a c h e n k o. Vpliv hristiyanstva na stanovleniya pisemnoy kul’tupi Rusi-Ukrayni; relіgіeznavcho-fіlosofs’kiy aspekt. Kiiv, Vidavnichiy tsentr „Akademіya“, 2001, 270 s.