The cult of St. Clement of Ohrid has been the subject of various studies, the basis of which are written sources, images in churches and folk tales. The current article attempts to trace the spread of the cult based on personal names in the Ohrid area at a certain moment. For this purpose a tax register from 1583 was used in which the inhabitants of the area around the Ohrid Lake are described by their personal and paternal names. The survey analyzed the data from 2 towns and 306 villages with a total of over 10,000 Christian residents. They clearly show that the cult of St. Clement was widespread and people named their children after the saint. The name in its popular form Klimo is registered in Ohrid and seven villages, as a personal or paternal name of totally 14 people. At the same time, the name distribution mapping indicates that it was spread only in the closest neighborhood of Ohrid and the Struga region.
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