This article presents a descriptive model for the palaeographic analysis of South Slavonic manuscripts written in the Cyrillic alphabet. Starting with some general remarks on the status of Slavic palaeography as a discipline and the terminological problems affecting it, the three-part analysis is introduced and explained. The first part deals with the general aspect of the handwriting, with considerations of the weight and shape of the script, its proportions, and measurements relating to the angle of writing and the angle of inclination. The second phase consists of a detailed study of a selection of characteristic letters, considering their strokes and describing them with uniform terminology. The last part of the model concerns the grouping and counting of both external and internal elements that characterise the handwriting. Once the description process has been completed, the data obtained will be useful for accurately describing the copyist’s handwriting and, above all, for a subsequent more general comparison, leading to a much-desired scientific classification of South Slavonic Cyrillic scripts.
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