In the middle of the 19th century the need for a translation into a spoken Bulgarian language of the biblical texts that were read during divine services was acutely felt. The translations made and printed up to that time under the guidance of Protestant missionaries in Bulgarian lands were not widely distributed and not convenient for use in religious services. Bulgarian priests needed at least an Aprakos written in Bulgarian language instead of already incomprehensible Church Slavonic. That is why priest Nencho Nestorov from the town of Sevlievo undertook on his own initiative a translation of the Aprakos into New Bulgarian language. His translation contains hundreds of texts, excerpted from the Four Gospels for reading on all days of the year. Besides Nencho managed to print his work taking care of its distribution by himself.
Иван Желев (София, България)
В ъ л ч а н о в, Х. Севлиево. 1842–1942. Ч. 1. София, 1942.
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И в а н о в, Й. Кониковско евангелие – новобългарски паметник от 1852 г. – В: Славистичен сборник (По случай VII международен конгрес на славистите във Варшава). София, 1973, с. 127–136.
М и л е н о в а, И. Свещеник Ненчо Несторов Севлиевец. – Вестник „Росица“, 18. дек. 2020 ( (достъп 23.08.2022).
С т о я н о в, М. Севлиево в българската възрожденска книжнина. – В: Севлиево и Севлиевският край. Т. 1. София, 1967, с. 126–127.
С т о я н о в, М. Българска възрожденска книжнина. Т. 1. София, 1987.
Φ ο ρ ό π ο υ λ ο ς, Ν. Ιλαρίων ο Σιναίτης. – In: Θρησκευτική και ηθική εγκυκλοπαίδεια. Т. 6. Athens, 1965, col. 870–871.