Перевод Книги Иова и его текстологические характеристики в сохранившихся хорватско-глаголических бревиариях XIV–XV вв.


The Text from the book “Job” in Croatian-Glagolitic breviaries is preserved in the Proprium de Tempore as reading for August in two basic textological variants. In the breviaries of the so-called Northern or Krk-Istrian group, the text of Job 1:1–4:9 is textologically very clearly dependent on the translation preserved in the oldest known Old Church Slavonic prophetologies (parimejnik). In the non-prophetology part (Job 2:11–4:9) it coincides mostly with the text of a full middle Bulgarian translation preserved, for example, in the manuscript F.I.461 of the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg. In the breviaries of the so-called Southern or Zadar-Krbavian group the text follows the Latin pattern. It is conserved in four manuscripts that contain the whole book of Job (1:1–42:16). Although in the southern breviary group the Latin version of this biblical book is closely followed, it is clear from the textological comparison that in section 1:1–3:15 we find a consistently edited version of the breviaries of the so-called northern group. In the rest of the book Job in breviaries of the so-called southern group, it is not possible to prove the connection cither with the version of the northern breviary group or with the translation of the prophetology or with the Old Church Slavonic translation of the whole book. Therefore, it is possible to assume that Job 3:15–42:16 was translated directly from Latin for the southern breviary group probably on the occasion of a linguistic and textual reform of the Croatian-Glagolitic breviary, perhaps in the middle of the 14th century.

Петра Станковска (Любляна, Словения)


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